



Welcome to ICHB 2011

Among various biometric technologies, the hand-based biometrics (including fingerprint, palm-print, hand geometry or hand shape, finger-knuckle print, hand vein, etc) are most popular and have the largest (about 60%) shares in the biometrics market. Although some traditional hand-based biometric techniques, such as fingerprints and hand geometry, have been well-established, new problems and new challenges keep emerging with the ever expanding applications of them and the increasing requirements of users. For example, the population using the hand-based biometric systems is becoming larger and larger, and personal authentication is now required for mobile devices and Internet, etc. Meanwhile, new hand-based biometric techniques are also emerging, e.g. high resolution fingerprint recognition, 3D palmprint recognition, and finger-knuckle-print based personal authentication, etc. In order to promote the development of hand-based biometrics, it is demanded to thoroughly discuss and study those challenging problems and emerging techniques involved in improving the accuracy, robustness, efficiency, and user-friendliness of hand-based biometric systems.

The International Conference on Hand-based Biometrics (ICHB) is intended to introduce the recent technical progress of hand-based biometrics and timely address the emerging challenges in designing, developing, and deploying modern hand-based biometric systems for various practical applications. ICHB aims to provide a vibrant forum for researchers, engineers, vendors, and end-users to share their latest research results, findings and experience in relevant fields.

Submissions may be up to six pages in IEEE conference format. Details can be found on the conference website. All accepted papers will be published and included in IEEE Xplore, and selected papers (extended version) will be invited for a special issue on Information Sciences (SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 3.29).

Important dates

  • Submission of full-length papers: August 1, 2011 Extended to August 10, 2011
  • Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2011
  • Submission of camera-ready papers: September 15, 2011